The amazing thing here is the lead singer (Dan Zanes) of the great Boston band, "The Del Fuegos" actually sang children's songs at Nolan's day care back when he was quite young. Sure, I recalled this band with their great songs, "The Longest Day, Don't Run Wild and I Still Want You."
But they broke up way back when. I purchased their so-called big hits on CD and played them for the boys when they were young.
And on Sunday, Eileen and I drove down to Evanston to see the Del Fuegos. They had reformed. We actually had the GPS but still couldn't find Space until the band had already come out. No matter they played a good two hours. And I was singing in the background all night long. At my seat, of course.
I have that Longest Day album at home and see that I paid a whopping 25 cents for it back in the 80s. I think Eileen liked it, too, but it was a late night for her. And get this, neither of us had anything to drink.
As I write this, I have the Del Fuegos blasting in the shrine. Thanks to I-Tunes. Maybe if I was younger, I would have followed the tour that hits Milwaukee, St. Louis and Minnepolis. No, I have better things to do.