We just hosted Father's Day so why another party? But Eileen wanted to host a July 4th party. Oh what the heck, I had plenty of beer in the fridge. So Riley, turning 10, asked to have some friends over. I think 30 folks made it and it was a good time.
The only tunes I could come up with for the holiday were X singing 4th of July and the boss doing "Independence Day."
Made ribs, burgers (Brady hated the onions that Eileen snuck in) and dogs. Drinks of the day included blue margaritas and I did a take on a pina colada with pineapple coconut ice cream with two rums and ice. It was quite tasty on a hot day.
The next day, however, I felt like doing next to nothing.
My posture is legendary. There's Computer Whiz John. How's your virus count? Day 2 and all.