The Top 10 reasons was a column I wrote back when I was a young reporter. I never fell in love with hockey growing up so with newspaper space at my disposal, I authored that column. I don't recall too many reasons but recall, there were too many players named Guy. It was before the internet so hockey fans didn't write in to complain.
Anyway, on Saturday, Riley and I took in Chicago Wolves hockey. As the leading fundraiser for Jump Rope for Heart, he got two free tickets. Why else would we go?
Actually, it was quite fun. The Wolves do a great job of promotion with explosives and flashing lights. Riley ran into some friends from school so we all sat together and made the best of it.
And I learned that hockey isn't so bad. It takes great talent to skate and try and score goals. Naturally it was 0-0 for one period and then both teams began to find the net. Our free outing cost $11 bucks to park; $30 to eat and twelve more bucks for dessert. But resourceful Riley grabbed a free cookie out of the deal.
All in all, it was fine night of fun for this non-hockey fan.
And sorry about the photos. I forgot the camera and took pictures with the cell phone.
Didn't you have your kids playing hockey in a league or am I dreaming?